Hasil gambar untuk indonesian culture

            The Honorable judges and the respectable audiences. First of all, lets pray to God. Almighty who has given grace and blessing to all of us. So that, we can gather in this place. I say many thanks for the opportunity that has been given to me to deliver a speech entitled “INDONESIAN CULTURE IN GLOBALIZED WORLD”
            Before I start my speech. I would like to limit the problem I will have to say. Especially in the teenagers and college students around Indonesia. Hi Friends, I want to ask you a question. Do you love Indonesia ? I don’t hear what about you say. Say louder please!! Once again. Do you love Indonesia ? If you love Indonesia, what is the prove ?
            Ladies and Gentlemen
            Indonesia. What do you think when I say about Indonesia ? Indonesia is a country that has very rich of ethnics and islands and especially Indonesia is a country that has very rich of “CULTURES”. From Sabang to Merauke, Indonesia has entirely different cultures. There are a thousand of cultures that exist in our country. Can you count how many cultures in Indonesia, especially in Java? Hmm I’m not sure
            Ladies and Gentlemen
            Our cultures are so unique, interesting and so beautiful. One of the culture’s product is batik. Batik which is widely known as a handicraft from Indonesia, even Batik has been inaugurated by UNESCO as a world heritage that must be preserved. The popularity of Batik has spread widely abroad, even the former president of South Africa Nelson Mandela has made it as his icon. Wow, it’s amazing. Give applause for batik of Indonesia! And other product is angklung. Angklung is well-known as multitonal music instrument from west java. Nowdays, angklung is not as antique thing again, but angklung as a traditional music instrument from Indonesia as known in international world. Because on November 2010 angklung also has been inaugurated by UNESCO as world intangible heritage. So that, angklung can’t be seized or stolen by other countries.
            One of the evidence of the famous of angklung  is  formed an angklung orchestra group in Hamburg Germany, with the name “angklung hamburg orchester”. That group consisting by students of Indonesia in Hamburg. There, angklung is not only played for traditional songs such as kicir – kicir or manuk dadali. But They combine of western songs with angklung so that produce a blend of “modern ethnic”
            And again, do you know gamelan ? nowdays gamelan that has been go international and has become subject of lesson in some schools in developed countries in the world. For example, in Singapore gamelan serve as a compulsory subject in primary schools. And in japan, gamelan had been teaching media at various universities. Yes, Of course this makes us so proud as the owner of that culture.
Ladies and Gentlemen
            In fact, We as Indonesian people, We as the owner of that culture even don’t care and almost abandoned it. As we know Gamelan which is well-known as an original culture from Indonesia has been claimed by neighborhood, Malaysia. Reog Ponorogo which is the culture from Indonesia also has been claimed by Malaysia. How sick I’am, how sad I’am to hear that Indonesian culture has been claimed by another country. A lot of our cultures have been stolen by other nations. If you just keep being quite, if you just keep being ignorance, I’m sure that all of Indonesia culture will be claimed by other nations.
            Ladies and Gentlemen
            Therefore, we as Indonesian future generation must be aware of our cultures,  because it is a symbolize the characteristic and uniqueness of a country that makes it known by other country. And also we should feel proud to have a country that is rich of cultures. So let’s introduce our culture. Show into the world, this is Indonesia, This is a country that is rich of cultures. Don’t let our beautiful cultures stolen by other people.. Let’s gather to preserve, appreciate and care about Indonesian culture.
Well my friends, that’s all my speech. If I have many mistakes, please forgive me.
Wassalamualaikum wr.wb.

             See you…

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